Sunday, April 18, 2010

Australia's Own Bonnie And Clyde Pokie Bandits Caught, by Greg Tingle - 18th April 2010

Down under in Melbourne, Australia, a real life Bonnie and Clyde have been finally nabbed, after causing pokie hangout clubs and pubs hell. Australia's casinos can also relax a touch more now that the couple have been locked up.

Media Man and Gambling911 continue to probe the ever apparent connection between gambling and crime, not suggesting the readership does anything untoward.

Melbourne, Australia, was home to a real life, modern day Bonnie and Clyde! The pair went on a Pulp Fiction - Underbelly natured armed crime spree across the city, fessed up to their acts last week.

The Bacchus Marsh cunning couple, Raylene and Antony Szarvak, pleaded guilty to a lost list of armed robberies of pub and pokies venues in Melbourne's western suburbs. Crown Casino is said to be pleased the couple were caught.

Ms Sarvak, a 29-year-old mum described in court as a "homemaker", rode into town on a mean green motorbike with her hubby Antony and wielded a .357 Magnum revolver as the outlaws staged hold ups in the suburbs.

In one month the pair robbed five venues, crabbing $33,000 cash in the process.

Venues nabbed in their 15 tally score board include Glengala Hotel in Sunshine West, St Albans Sports Club, Deer Park Hotel, the Rifle Range Hotel in Williamstown, and Yarraville's Victoria On Hyde Hotel.

The County Court learned they frequently wore balaclavas, scarves and motorbike helmets.

Not to mince words on one hit Raylene warned "Don't touch it" as Antony pointed the loaded 30cm handgun at her. Other warnings she used included "I've got a gun, give me all the money or I'll shoot. This is not a joke."

The Armed Crime Taskforce nabbed the pair in August 2008 as the outlaws expanded into the eastern suburbs.

It was their Bakers Arms Hotel attempted heist job where the law caught up with them.
Two men attempted to run away but were tasered after Antony threw the Magnum gun into a garden bed.

The married bandits said their crimes were motivated by gambling, drug and unemployment issues.

Raylene initially pleaded not guilty in court but had to change her plea after her husband admitted his crimes to police.

She pleaded guilty to five counts of armed robbery, one attempted armed robbery and one conspiracy to commit armed robbery.

He pleaded guilty to six counts of armed robbery, one attempted armed robbery and one conspiracy to commit armed robbery.

The pair are due to be sentenced at a later date and Gambling911 will stay on the trail.

Prosecutor Jim Shaw recommended a range of 11 to 13 years for Raylene with a non-parole period of 8 to 11 years.

He recommended a range of six to eight years for Antony with a non-parole period of five to six years.

Readers, please don't getting any funny ideas if you watch Underbelly or Bonnie And Clyde. Happy hunting and good punting.

*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company

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Underbelly Hype Says Australia's Ibrahim Family, by Greg Tingle - 18th April 2010

Underbelly: The Golden Mile - explosive TV featuring mobsters (Aussie style), drugs, guns, gambling, hookers, crooked coppers, rock n roll, good times and some very bad times - how much is or was real, and how much is hype?

Media Man and Gambling911 embed themselves in Sydney's underworld to bring you news from the mean streets down under.

From the get go, let's just say that over the years crooks, gangsters, mobsters or whatever you care to call them, have usually enjoyed quite the love - hate relationship with the public and the media, and in some cases, even the police.

Aussie's love a good yard (story - true or false), as does much of the world, and crime based TV (and movies) has proven to be some of the most popular ever... from The Godfather, The Sopranos, Goodfellas, The Untouchables, Casino, Growing Up Gotti, CSI, Gangs Of Oz, to everyones (almost) Underbelly.

Criminals by nature are a colourful lot, with some very bright in the mix, and some not so smart ones to boot.

Our old mate and sometimes associate, Tim "Earthquake" Bristow was always good for a story and mixed in interesting company. Big Tim called himself "retired gangster and Godfather of Sydney" where yours truely quizzed him about his role only weeks before his (natural) death.

Some very smart operators were in and around the clan, and a few knuckleheads for good measure. Bristow has a ton of connections, man power, power, money, influence and information at his disposal. He talked it up, but his contacts and inner circle was the whose whose, and it included judges, police detectives, politicians, news media, celebrities and you get the idea.

We're not exactly certain of the connection and / or relationship our friend Bristow had with the late George Freeman, as witnessed on Network Nine's Underbelly, but its fair to say that they co-existed... neither fell prey to the other, and there was plenty of good times and money to go around for all.

Let's probe Sin City Sydney, Australia...

Fadi Ibrahim is now hitting back (no, not that type of hit) at police and news media attention on his family, claiming the focus on his family's life was "just hype" and would end after Underbelly stops screening.

The only main problem with Ibrahim Jr's argument is that Network Nine are going to keep pumping out 'Underbelly's', albeit it with more of the action taking place in the Gold Coast - Surfers Paradise region, near the NSW - QLD boarder, for our out of town readership.

The brother of Kings Cross well known identity John Ibrahim was shot five times in his Lamborghini last last year and is currently on strict conditional bail after being charged with conspiracy to murder.

But he claims the focus on his family's life was "just hype".

"I think it's all hype and it will calm down when Underbelly is finished," Mr Ibrahim told Rupert Murdoch's The Sunday Telegraph. Media Man can back up many of the media reports as numerous first hand and some second hand reports are regularly being e-mailed into the office.

'The Cross' has been in face targeted by police in recent weeks with uniformed, plainclothed and riot-squad officers patrolling the streets. While news media may have added some hype and color to the situation, it doesn't change the facts.

Numerous police sources advise there was continuing intelligence the Bandidos and Comanchero bikie gangs may confront rival gang Notorious, which is associated with the family of nightclub owner, John Ibrahim aka "King Of The Cross".

He remains the focus of the current Underbelly television series and it is feared Ibrahim's enemies and dark forces may plan to take advantage of his leaving the country for Dubai last week, while the series is being screened.

Operation Eaglehawk continues to gain intel in the meantime which has been targeting licensed venues in and around 'The Cross' and Sydney for over a month.

Assistant Commissioner Frank Mennilli said Operation Eaglehawk was not a one-off operation and police would continue targeting anti-social behaviour and violence, regardless of the publicity generated by Underbelly.

"We have police on the streets 24 hours a day, 365 days a year targeting criminal, anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related crime," Mr Mennilli said.

"Police constantly run these operations in Kings Cross, as well as in Oxford St, the CBD, The Rocks and other areas where there is a high density of people and alcohol.

"The public can rest assured police have been targeting Kings Cross for years and will continue to do so, regardless of some passing publicity generated by a TV drama."

Last week, coppers from Operation Eaglehawk made 11 arrests, conducted 46 person searches, inspected 56 businesses and issued 72 traffic infringement notices, reports News Limited.

Some more impressive (real life) numbers ... Operation Eaglehawk has investigated 294 businesses, conducted 286 person searches, issued 117 traffic infringement notices and made 73 arrests.

Fadi Ibrahim, his bodyguard Neil Cummings, and his fiancee Shayda Bastani said Underbelly was not an entirely accurate account of events, but they had watched the first episode and enjoyed it.

Mr Ibrahim said actor Firass Dirani was doing a great job playing his brother. "He's like a Lebanese John Travolta. He's doing a top job."

David Freeman, who joined Mr Ibrahim at Randwick Racecourse yesterday for the Doncaster, did not comment on the portrayal of his father George in Underbelly's first episode. Some say the races in Australia is a "sunny place for shady persons", but no one is currently commenting on that well known expression.

Fadi was bailed out after he and his younger brother Michael were charged with conspiracy to murder. Police allege it was in retaliation for the attempt on Fadi's life.

Aussie readers, its you're lucky day (technically night). Underbelly is on Channel Nine tonight - that's right, its Sunday... you wouldn't want to miss it for quids. Starts at 8.30pm, and it might warm you up to a bit of Kings Cross gambling action later in the week. Betfair Pink Pigeon birdies tell us if you have a want, need or desire, 'The Cross' is still the place to go. If you're out of luck and can't find it, you can always hope a cab and swing on over to Sydney's Star City Casino, and high rollers, if that still doesn't do it for you, Mr James Packer and co at Billionaire Inc - Crown Casino Casino in Melbourne, have those Gulfsteam jets ready and engines fired up for those who are financially qualified. Of course, you can stay at home and even play the pokes. PartyGaming even offers 'The Godfather' and Captain Cooks 'Hitman'. We know you're keen for an Underbelly and UFC slot game and the powers that be have been tipped off. Just be grateful that Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy and their bible bashing conspirators were not successful in their miserable attempts to ban your beloved Underbelly.

Enjoy the show, some of which is available for preview on the NineMSN website portal, and some of which may be getting leaked to YouTube and elsewhere.

In this world we live, information can be key, be it gambling, TV, legal, internet or whatever, and Gambling911 and Media Man are delighted to continue to bring you the news and info you won't find anywhere else. Underbelly - the verdict: Fact is stranger than fiction, but also keep in mind it's also produced to entertain the audience and bring in big numbers to advertisers and sponsors...something it is doing a smashing job of. Over 2 million Australia's are expected to tune into again tonight.

*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company, gaming being just one of over a dozen industries covered

*The writer owns shares in Crown Limited

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Underbelly Disgraceful Sex, Drugs And Rock N Roll, by Greg Tingle - 15th April 2010

The Australian television smash hit, featuring gambling, hookers, drugs, guns, crooked cops and all round mayhem on the mean streets of Sydney's Kings Cross, is dividing Australian society.

Media Man and Gambling911 recently discovered that the Australian Prime Minster and Communications Minister failed in their attempts to ban the show (its a show, not a doco), and now public figures including a former judge and numerous police officers are speaking out.

Television shows featuring crime like ratings winner Underbelly are disgraceful glamorisations of criminals, evil acts et al and there's nothing admirable about events depicted in them, says ex Supreme Court Judge James Wood. Wood has every right to feel that way, being the man who led a royal commission on New South Wales police corruption.

Wood said the Network Nine hit and the ilk of were at least partly responsible in make guns and violence acceptable and glamorised characters based on people who were nothing but "hoodlums and thugs".

We point out to Wood and his friends that the legal profession has had more than its fair share of bad apples over the years, as had the church, education system, political arena, and so the list goes on. At least crims are usually straight up about it.

Underbelly: The Golden Mile went to air this this past Monday and attracted a massive 2,237,000 viewers down under. The show promotes Kings Cross as the place "bent cops, straight cops, cool criminals and colourful characters all converged to make their mark" until the royal commission threatened the "black empire" with collapse.

The royal commission named 284 police officers, (unlucky) seven of whom were locked up in the slammer, including one of the central Underbelly characters, the former chief of detectives Graham "Chook" Fowler.

Wood, these days holding the positions as chairman of the New South Wales Law Reform Commission, advised he had not seen the first episode of this series but was familiar with its content.

He is hopeful that a doco the Australian Broadcasting Corporation will screen in May would deliver balance, as Underbelly and crime-show genre created the "wrong impression" about the behavior exhibited.

"There's nothing honourable or admirable in relation to the people who are depicted in these programs," he said. "For the impressionable kids out there watching these programs, they think it's a lot of fun. It's bloody well not a lot of fun. It's harming a lot of people and carries huge risks. You've got a high chance of ending up in a prison for 20 or 30 years. These shows don't show that."

Network Nine censor, Richard Lyle, said the majority of those depicted would not come out of the Underbelly story well, with the exception of a few clean police and Mr Wood!

Mr Lyle said the series was a very responsible tale which started off with a bang because it was necessary to set the scene and explain what lured people to the criminal underworld. Why do people become gangsters? Because they get a lot of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. But if you wind up dead or in jail, this is a cautionary tale."

Loyal readers, sound a bit like the gambling industry? That's what we thought. Gambling scenes are featured in 'The Golden Mile' and in a non coincidence, gambling is starting to make a comeback on the mean streets and back alley's of 'The Cross' as this report goes to press. A birdie tells us its more than just a bit of 2UP between mates, but its not exactly the VIP high rollers room at Star City or Crown Casino either. The stakes are super high however, and if things go belly up, one can pay the ultimate price. Not to further glamorise the seriousness of things, but picture Johnny Cash and the classic 'The Man Comes Around' and 'Folsom Prison Blues', and your getting the right idea. Punters and crims be warned, there's no gambling (officially) in most prisons around the globe, and that includes online slots and online poker. The only betting in the big house might be about who's going to "cop it" next, be it in the shower or gym.

On a most serious note, please bet responsibly and adhere to laws and regulations applicable to your circumstances. Good punting.

References: Network Nine, NSW Police, Fairfax Media, News Limited, Casino News Media, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, National Library Of Australia (and unidentified persons familiar with the mean streets of Kings Cross).

* Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911

* Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of over a bakers dozen of industries covered.

* No informants were paid in the compiling of this report

* The writer is a member of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Third Installment of Underbelly a Ratings Bonanza - 12th April 2010

The third installment of Channel Nine's blockbuster Underbelly series delivered a spectacular result in last night's TV ratings, watched by 2,237,000 viewers nationally.

The result will effectively silence media speculation that the third series would fall short of the results obtained by its two predecessors.

Nine's launch of Underbelly: The Golden Mile kicks off one of the most competitive weeks of the ratings year, with Nine unveiling the refurbished Hey Hey, It's Saturday, Seven launching its big-budget war epic The Pacific and a revamped Australia's Got Talent and, next week, Ten's launch of the second series of MasterChef.

Underbelly: The Golden Mile picks up where the second instalment, A Tale of Two Cities, left off. It is set in Kings Cross between the the years 1989 and 1999.

It stars Emma Booth as Kim Hollingsworth, Firass Dirani as John Ibrahim, Peter O'Brien as George Freeman, Dieter Brummer as Trevor Haken and Damian Garvey as Chook Fowler.

The first two episodes, aired as a telemovie, knocked the competition out of the park. Seven's Bones attracted only 1,172,000 viewers, while Ten's hit series The Good Wife took the hardest hit, dropping to 809,000 viewers.

The Underbelly "effect" also buoyed Nine's struggling current affairs franchise, 60 Minutes, bolstering it to an audience of 1,496,000, one of its best results this year. (Credit: Fairfax Media)

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Frank Sinatra Land Based Casino To Close But Sinatra Slot Lives On At PartyGaming, by Greg Tingle - 1st April 2010

A Nevada casino once owned by legend Frank Sinatra and patronised by Hollywood stars and mobsters has closed due to plunging gambling rates and competition from the Vegas strip.

Media Man and Gambling911 investigate, as we mix it up with Hollywooders, journos, academics and mobsters...

Associations with the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Junior has not been enough to save the Cal Neva Lodge Casino from the distressed US land based casino industry.

The casino, situated on Lake Tahoe near the California border, last year saw its revenues fall to approximately 50% of what they enjoyed in 1992 allowing for inflation, tipped Mr William Eadington, director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming at the University of Nevada.

Other local casinos continue to close or have downsized, unable to compete with Las Vegas, not in good shape itself – and the growing number of gambling resorts on Native American Indian reservations.

"The realities are when you have that kind of decline the weakest operators typically get pushed out," advised Mr Eadington. "The older, tired casinos and the Cal Neva is a great example, don't have much to offer for gaming."

Understood to be America's oldest licensed casino, the Cal Neva opened for business in 1926. The Cal Veva enjoyed its peak in the early 1960s when it was bought by Sinatra, reportedly in partnership with Sam Giancana, a Chicago mobster.

Adding a 35-seat celebrity showroom and rooftop helicopter pad, Samy and Frank ensured film stars, singers and Mafiosi enjoyed its blackjack games and roulette tables.

A network of underground tunnels, built to smuggle alcohol during Prohibition, allowed the VIP guests to move around the establishment without being seen by the general public.

Monroe actually spent the last weekend of her colourful life at The Cal in 1962 as a guest of the infamous 'Rat Pack' actor Peter Lawford and his wife.

Various stories circulate as to why the blond goddess was there. One story goes on to say she discussed making a film with Dean Martin and to patch things up with her second husband, baseball icon Joe DiMaggio, yet another Cal Neva regular. The other side of the story we learn is that a 1999 biography claimed Monroe was brought there to be threatened not to reveal her Mafia links, drugged in her cabin and photographed in compromising positions! Another Cal Neva rumour claims she used the resort for a tryst with John F Kennedy.

Staff concede the resort has traded off its colourful history but Guy Rocha, a former Nevada state archivist, said it would not register with younger gamblers. The hotel and restaurant remain open, but the tables, slots and other gambling activity are history.

"The Cal Neva doesn't capture people's imagination the way it once did," he said.

The Sinatra name is however alive and strong on the internet. Media Man has created an online tribute (with the help of Wikipedia) which is found here and an authentic Sinatra online slot game, developed by 'The Games Studio' of PartyGaming fame is also showcased. Frank Sinatra Enterprises came to business terms with PartyGaming last year and the slot game has proven to be one of the most popular of all time, even competing with the legendary Cleopatra, developed by IGT (International Gaming Technology) and WagerWorks. Gangster and mob related games are some of the most popular found anywhere in the world. 'The Godfather' franchise also has an online slot game and rumours are circulating that Australia's late Kerry Packer (code named "The Goanna" in The Costigan Commission report) may also get the same treatment.

PartyGaming is also currently rumoured to be in discussions with the Canadian Poker Tour aka HeadsUp Entertainment, as well as enjoying M&A talk with Bwin and others. This past week PartyGaming inked a b2b multi year deal with Pari Mutuel Urbain (PMU). Party will provide its poker product to its horse racing website. Party continues its global strategy with France, South America, India, the U.S and Australia in its sights.

Media Man remains optimistic about America's igaming industry growth, having created and

A Media Man insider was overheard, "If only the U.S igaming market would open up sooner rather than later. We could kick some major goals under Gambling911 and the Sly Stallone - Arnie connection guidance. I guess we will have to stick mainly to poker and sports betting in the U.S sector for now, but when things change those Gambling911 guys, PartyGaming and the Media Man crew might just take over Vegas and Atlantic City... we could back door it in via Canada and North America with those Canadian Poker tournament guys. It will be just like the good old days, and you know history repeats my friend".

*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. The firm covers approximately a dozen business vertical markets including gaming and igaming

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