Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aussie teenagers tackle cyber crime at global forum - The Age - 18th July 2008

Faced with the danger of online predators, fraudsters and bullies, a group of Australian teenagers are putting their heads together with others from around the world to tackle internet crime.

Ten teenagers from Canberra have flown to England to take part in a unique five-day forum giving young people a say on the best ways to protect them in cyberspace.

A total of 150 teenagers aged 14 to 17 from 19 countries are attending the International Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) in the hope they can come up with fresh strategies for governments, businesses and police worldwide to follow.

Many of those at the forum will draw on their own experiences of being targeted by cyber bullies, fraudsters and predators.

Canberra teenager Anthony, 15, said he frequently came across "fake" people while surfing the net and through his online business hosting gaming websites.

"What happens on the internet, people don't think it's 'real'," he told AAP.

"They think it's just fantasy. So we need to stay safe and they need to keep us safe.

"If we can tell them how to do that for the billions of kids out there, that's fantastic."

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has backed the forum and sent five staff along with the Canberra teenagers.

Before they left, AFP officers worked with the group on new cyber crime strategies which are expected to be expanded when they return to Australia.

"We realised the only way that us as 30, 40, 50 year olds can develop robust and meaningful strategies that deliver to young people is to actually give young people a voice and to listen to what they've got to say," head of the AFP's high tech crime unit Kevin Zuccato said.

"What concerns them the most is cyber bullying, identity theft and attribution, in terms of 'how do I know who I'm talking to' (in chatrooms and on social networking sites).

"So they're actually concerns about how do I identify myself in the internet, how do I make sure no one steals that identity and hassles me out or slags my name off, how do I know who I'm talking to so I'm sure I can safeguard myself.

"That to me was really interesting and demonstrates that getting these guys in, listening to what they've got to say, giving them an opportunity to participate is going to steer us in the right direction."

Ella, 15, from Canberra, said the key was educating young people about the internet so they could use it safely rather than putting them off because of the risks.

"You don't want to put people off the internet, because it's a great resource," she said.

"But you do want to warn people of the dangers and give them strategies when they are faced with those dangers."

The aim of the IYAC forum is to devise a global online charter to present to the United Nations and the World Congress III Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Brazil this November.

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