Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Paroled Murderer Kills Again After Blowing Money Gambling - Gambling911 - 16th March 2009

A paroled murderer in Australia killed again, this time a 78-year old woman. The motive: He blew his grocery money on the pokies, court documents heard.

Mark John Adams, 45, is charged with stabbing to death Barbara Doreen Risby on Hobart's Domain on May 23, 2007.

"Unfortunately this presents a most powerful argument for playing the pokes online and skipping some of the riff raff and undesirables who have a habit of frequenting traditional land based casinos," claims Media Man, Greg Tingle. "I think there's good cause for more security officers to be present at traditional casinos. Of course one needs to be mindful of what online casinos to visit also, but I am pleased to give a clean bill on health on those brands showcased on websites like Gambling911.com."

Ms. Risby was in the wrong place at the wrong time and had never met the alleged killer.

Adams's lawyer, Tamara Jago, told the court Adams spent the morning before Mrs Risby's murder playing poker machines in hotels in Hobart..

"He instructs that it came to him that he needed to obtain some money," Ms Jago told the court.

"He determined that he would effect a robbery."

She said Adams was in the habit of carrying a knife.

"He produced the knife with the hope that the threat of it would cause the surrendering of a handbag," she said.

The murder was not pre-meditated, Ms Jago said.

"He says he didn't specially seek out a victim but rather his victim was the first person who came into the area once he'd determined to do this," she said.

Adams had been out of jail for four years after serving 17 years for the 1986 stabbing murder of his neighbour, Edna Jean Story, in her Risdon Vale home. (Credit: Gambling911)

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