Sunday, September 25, 2022

Media Man Content Blog: The biggest mystery of Google’s algorithm: Everything ever said about clicks, CTR and bounce rate

The biggest mystery of Google’s algorithm: Everything ever said about clicks, CTR and bounce rate

Social Media

Greg Tingle

Search Engine Land has partly and significantly opened up the Pandora's Box of Google's algorithm, including the CTR (Click Through Rate) and all, backed up by some Google and government documentation, witness type statements and quotes, and even a series of quotes and tweets from Google taken from over a decade plus. Fool's Gold or authentic gold? Authentic I say, having witnessed much in the digital landscape in a career spanning over three decades.. What I learned at the likes of the Google business conference, as well as Telstra, Optus, ID Media, PSI Net and even our Media Man, makes me believe Search Engine Land news investigation unit and co may have discovered quite the Holy Grail of search engine algorithms and related secrets. Now we are going to further fine tune our strategy as we continue to move forward in the digital publishing universe. One click at a time towards Google Business and search treasure.